Thursday, October 8, 2015



Lines:  A Line is an infinite series of Points which has length and direction, but no breadth.  Lines turn and multiply to describe PLANES; A Line is any mark connecting any two separate points. It can organize, direct, separate, or suggest emotion in a design.

I explained how I created this lesson on the previous post.. so I will add a little more information how I created these pages.. I used the LINE TOOL.  After selecting the setting, one will then "click" on the point where you want to start the line.. and drag the "line" where you would like, but.. the BEST little tip I received was at the same time you are clicking and dragging.. hold the SHIFT key/button and OMG!!!   success WILL be YOURS!!
Am I excited about this? YES, yes, and uh huh!!

By holding down the SHIFT key, it creates a truer line, circle, square, shape and makes the task so much easier.  After you create your shape and you click somewhere else, a dialog box comes up and if you click OK, it will create more of the same shape. Sean, my Design 100 teacher, commented to make several similar shapes in the margin to use again. I made a variety of lines in different thickness, lengths, and size and that helped the Design Process to flow..

This lesson was by far my favorite, yet it was the most difficult, challenging, and while working on this lesson, the one that was deleted several times!!  Yes, deleted. I swear I saved the pages.. to the DESKTOP, not to the Memory Stick, like Eugene, the Lab Tech, is always reminding us. However, the next day.. it was GONE, evaporated, dissolved into the computer, or floated away in the air.. GONE.. So, I spent an entire Saturday in the Computer Lab working on this lesson, and success was mine. Success in learning to manipulate the lines and success in learning to back up my Memory Stick.. I now have 3. Yes, a bit excessive, but I am not about to lose my work again..

This lesson was my favorite, because by now, I am learning tips and tricks to actually get what is in my mind down onto the template.  I have the ideas.. I just need to learn how to execute them..
My favorite squares are TENSION.. it takes a delicate touch and good "mouse control" to tweak a line! My other favorite CHAOS.. I found the large stroke by accident and I think it adds to the chaotic way this lesson has made me feel during the process.

Next Post.. PLANES..

Still, a Student of Design,   Lisa

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