Thursday, October 8, 2015

TEXTURE using text

This lesson we learned about TEXTURE.
Seeing texture; Creating texture; adding texture to a design; Using photos in PhotoShop to manipulate and simulate texture.
Sean uploaded a very cool video using Photoshop to create simulated texture from stock images or images that we upload.. Although he did not require a template to be created and posted.. I think that I will try to upload and create my own.. stay tuned..

This lesson.. We were to take photos of TEXTURE, upload the images to an InDesign template and describe the texture by text.
I LOVE taking pictures of texture!! So, I looked at my photos on my camera and phone and uploaded several to use!! Peeling paint on walls; flowers in the market; Cubby, my cat's grey fur; My own red hair braided; tomatoes in the market; a close up photo of a box of silver forks in a box at an Antique Market; and the repetition of the ribs in a corrugated steel wall;

If.. you are so inclined.. check out my Instagram account, French_knot_twist, for a texture layout I created.
Yes, I love Texture..  I think I might even surprise you someday and upload a few photos.. soon..

But, in the meantime....

Here is my Texture Observation project

I enjoyed this project immensely.  First, I love texture and take many photos of texture. It was enjoyable going through my photos.. memories <3  and Second, I am working with placing images in boxes for my Design in History. ArtG 118. Design spread. Resizing; moving them around; zooming in and out; Fitting Content to Frame and Fitting Frame to Content; ahhh.. the list is endless..
However, I am getting pretty good at it!! so this template and project was easier and fun.. I even helped a fellow student place her photos.. Sometimes, teaching someone else how to do something is the way to master it yourself..

I am enjoying being  A Student of Design,  Lisa

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