Thursday, October 8, 2015


Finally.. Finally.. 
ALL my Design Basics ArtG 100  Homework is completed and I will begin to post it TODAY!!!
I am not sure exactly how to post.. so.. I will post each Assignment separately. 

And so, it begins.. 

Graphic design is the art of visual communication through the use of images, words, and ideas to give information to the viewers. There are basic assumptions to guide the design practice and these are called 


Points, Lines, and Plane are the building blocks of design 
and are the three core elements

A POINT marks a position in space;
A series of POINTS forms a LINE; 
A mass of LINES become a shape, or PLANE;


Symmetry: Passive, formal space; a mirror image; creates balance; 
                  creates organization,  order.

Asymmetry: Without symmetry; active, dynamic space; creates attention and 
                     visual interest.

Emphasis: The special attention or importance given to one part of a composition; 
                  emphasis can be achieved through placement, contrast, size, etc..

Rhythm: Is a repeated pattern, such as what we hear in music. In different art forms, 
               it can be a very complex interrelationship or a regular, steady beat.
               Regular:  intervals between the elements, and often the elements themselves, 
                              are similar in size or length
               Flowing:  a sense of movement; 
               Progressive:  a sequence of forms through a progression of steps

Positive/ Negative space: The space surrounding a positive shape or form sometimes is                   referred to as ground, empty space, or void
The perfect example of this concept, I think, is the arrow in the FED EX logo.. Once you see the arrow.. you always will see it!!  Look for "hidden images" 

Unity:  Refers to the cohesive quality that makes a composition feel complete and finished;
            Unity gives it the feeling that all the elements relate to each other in a compatible 
            way to form a unified whole.

Scale:  Size of something, related to a constant size, unit of measure, relative whole 
            ( such as the human body, or picture plane )

Repetition:  A repeated sequence, occurring more than a few times; In design, repetition 
             can create visual consistency and a sense of unity; 
             Repetition and change awaken Life's visual juxtapositions.

Chaos:  Complete confusion, disarray, although, creation emerges from chaos; 

Order:   The arrangement of the elements in relationship to each other according to a
              particular sequence, pattern, or method.

Tension:  The arrangement of elements that are not in relation to each other by stress;
                proximity; and lack of order

Space:  The distance or area between or around things; 

In this lesson.. we used the 3 core elements, Point, Line, and Plane to communicate the design concepts.   

To keep you, my reader, coming back to follow my journey into Design.. 
I will post this Lesson in three separate posts.  

So.. to START..  POINT 
POINT:  A POINT marks a position in space. The point serves as the focus; an element that has position (x,y), but no extension or mass. A series of points forms a line, a mass of points becomes a shape. 

I used the pre-made template with layers created in Adobe Illustrator.  
It was difficult, I will not lie.  This was my first attempt at creating "shapes" with a program. I used the Rectangle tool to create many different shapes.. 
This lesson, since Points are usually circles..  I used the Ellipse setting to create Circles 

In the following lessons I used the Rectangle setting to make Squares and the Polygon setting to create a Triangle with 3 sides;   

Many, many attempts were met with SUCCESS!! yet many more were met with DEFEAT :(

Each success and failure taught me many lessons.. and in the end..
I rather enjoyed this Lesson.. In many ways.. 

Next post... LINES.. 

Until then.. I am..    
A Student of Design... Lisa   

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