Texture: The surface character of a physical material or the illusion of a physical material
Texture creates visual interest in your design
This project we uploaded a cute little story called Far far away and CUT, COPY, and PASTE in place in a pre-made template in Adobe Illustrator.
The rules were: Using the Far far Away text Word .doc create 3 pages of 5 Justified blocks of text using 3 texts. Use type, font, point, leading, and kerning to create a simulated texture.
Vocabulary List:
Type/ Typography: The art of arranging type, which includes letters, numbers and symbols, so that it is pleasing to the eye. This includes not only the font that is used but how it is arranged on the page: letter by letter, size, line spacing, etc.. Typography is an important part of creating a pleasing final graphic design product.
Font: Name of a typeface, Example: Helvetica, Georgia, Arial, Trebuchet, Times, & Courier
Point: A measure of size used principally in typesetting. One point is equal to 1/12 of a pica, or
approximately 1/72 of an inch. It is most often used to indicate the size of type or amount of
leading added between lines. Smallest Small Normal Large Largest
Leading: The vertical spacing (measured in points) between lines of text.
(It is pronounced like led.. Smiling, she led them down the rosy path of Graphic Design or..
The pencil lead on her drawing pencil was worn down to a nub. )
Kerning: Adjusting the lateral (horizontal) space between letters. Kerning is the adjustment of space between pairs of letters. Some pairs of letters create awkward spaces. Kerning adds or subtracts space between letters to create more visually appealing and readable text.
So.. armed with this knowledge.. off I went.. I made text boxes, copy and pasted the text, and manipulated, and moved, and created.. Texture using Text..
This is what I was explaining a few posts back.. files get lost, misdirected, not saved, or poof.. go into cyber space or into the wind..
So.. enjoy these posts and I will be back when order is restored in my Little world..
so until I am not..
**UPDATE** I found this little rascal.. so here it is .. I am not sure why it has a block of text to the Left.. I have checked, rechecked, and checked and it is still there.. Will regroup and try, try, try again..
I will continue to try to be A Student of Design, Lisa
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