Tuesday, October 20, 2015


COLOR  is a Wonderful thing!!! 

We painted a GRAY SCALE
We painted composition with Hue  Shade Tint and Tone

and we went digital.   CMYK  RGB

and learned how to use the EYE DROPPER TOOL..

Who knew a tiny little insignificant little tool could open the gates of H E A V E N!!

Yes!  I found my calling.. I could spend hours tweaking and dropping and coloring one image.
This is what we did!!!!!

RED      Red chilis    Color that speaks to me:  the first one..  I named it.. Firey Firecracker Red
 PINK   Japanese cherry blossoms  

ORANGE    Sunset Reflection      Color:  the third from the Left:   Sunset Serenity

YELLOW    Baby Mallard ducklings   The two names I kept thinking about while creating this palette is such: Left:  Yellow Duckling  and the far Right : Pond    
BLUE    Fabric    I LOVE the color blue.. so they are all my favorite colors! However..
                                   I named them all..  from L to R:
 Loyalty Blue     Perky Periwinkle    The Best Blue EVER   Cozumel Bay Blue    January Sky Blue
GREEN    The Bird's Eye view of a City Park       This one was time consuming, yet successful.
                          I want to call the green on the left:  City Green  
PURPLE    Lavender Fields in Provence    
                            The second color from the Left is called:  Lavender Blue Dilly Dilly  and the color on the Right is called Lavender Fields Green  [ Dilly dilly..  you are my King.. dilly dilly and I am your Queen.. ]  ok.. a few moments of song.. I love that song and it has been a long day :P
NEUTRAL: TAUPE / BEIGE     A very restful bed..
                       The 3rd color / the middle color.. all I could think of as I was searching and dropping was.. flesh..   and I came up with.. ahem..  My Lover's Skin  A little pale, but sexy just the same ;)
WHITE     A white Peacock       This one was difficult. My original page had this image in it and I loved working on it.  This is my favorite spread.. I will need more time gazing at it and time away from it to come up with a names for this color palette..
BLACK     A pair of Elephants.      I love this image.  The greyscale was difficult to master, and the white did not convey.. but something about this image touched my soul, my heart. my creativity.  Something about the way it is cropped and the embrace..  *sigh*
I need space to think about naming this palette.  All I can think of are obvious names like -             Tusk for the white box and Buddha Black ..
This is it..  yes.. I know that this is posted before the painted images.. BUT...
I have been in a little bit of a funk.. and the computers are picking up on my energy and my files are being .. deleted.. not saved.. evaporating.. blowing in the wind..
Pick your metaphor.. all I know is that it is frustrating .. 
and I am really proud of my work.. so I am going to post it 
The other Color Study I did in class just didn't make it onto the Memory Stick or whatever and it almost made me cry.. 
ok, yes.. I did cry. I worked for the entire class time and was so proud of it.. and it is GONE! 
Enough of the complaining it is said that this phenomenon is just power for the course, and to be expected.. 

ENJOY this post... I absolutely LOVED it!!!!!
Oh.. my favorite box... heart heart heart heart   BLUE!!  
and of course my favorite color..  Best Blue EVER 
and my favorite image.. nope.. can't do it.. I love them all..  

Today, and maybe forever.. 
I am and will be          A STUDENT OF DESIGN     

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