Tuesday, December 1, 2015


For Part B.. We were to take the color and give it an Emotional Name.. think OPI nail polish colors..

I chose my color and named it Sunset Orange.  My emotional pull towards this color has come from my car.  It is a 2005 Chevrolet Corvette. I bought it used in January 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia at a Car Lot called Corvettes.Com.  I bought him, shipped him home and he arrived on Valentine's Day.
I named him the Southern Gentleman. His official color is...
Daytona Sunset Orange Metallic.

I have always been partial to RED  You could say it has been my signature color after Blue, of course.  Now, I am still a RED girl, my hair is red too! But, now I am partial to the complimentary of Blue, and that is ORANGE.

I had a GRAND time researching the Emotion and the random trivial facts about this color. I don't think that I will ever look at a Clown's hair again with out knowing that it has it's beginnings from Bacchus!! Ritual madness and ecstasy!! ALSO.. the Golden Gate Bridge is ORANGE, painted that color because it is a highly visible color in the FOG!!
I even HAD to include a quote from my favorite Artist.. VanGogh.
There is no Orange without Blue..  

And this post is why I LOVE BEING.. A STUDENT OF DESIGN

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