Monday, December 14, 2015

OBJECT to MARK assignment Part One.

Object to Mark assignment.  Part one...

This assignment is the most useful moving forward in the Graphic Design process.. 
It is the building block of how a Designer.. designs. 
First, the inspiration:

My embroidery scissors. The bottom red pair is from France, Bodin. I purchased them in Victoria, Canada, BC. They are 2.5" and have a matte, satiny finish.. my favorite. Sharp and a great hand feel, plus they are petite and fun to use!
The black ones.. I bought in Julian, California on a whim.  2.75" long, matte black, sharp! and I liked the retro packaging.
I stitch, for those who don't know me. I am an Artist with Thread. 
I LOVE the hand feel of thread and yarn, the colors, 
the geometrics, the thought process, the women I meet in this genre, Everything.. HEART!!!!
Cross stitch, Needlepoint, Crochet, some knitting, needle and thread. My Nona [ Italian for Grandmother ] taught me to embroider when I was young.  She was a seamstress in Montebeluna, Italy where she was born and lived until she moved to America with her husband and her brother in her early 20's. She sewed couture at many design houses and designed and sewed her own trousseau and wardrobe.  She taught me to sew a French seam and everything else with a needle and thread. I don't even remember learning nor when I didn't know how. We started embroidering and crocheting edges on pillowcases.. The others came after when I realized that I hate embroidery.. another story! 
When I was young, I would sit by her elbow and sew, stitch, and sometimes draw and design clothes and accessories for me and my dolls.  Often, we would pray the Rosary in Italian and play "Remember When." I love that game. " I remember when.." or "Remember when?" 

Oh My!  He told us that we can also use tracing paper over the photo to sketch out the positive and negative spaces. I skipped that step, but now I think that I may try it for the next project.

I can SKETCH! I can GESTURE!!  no fear, no intrepidation,  no panic, and no first thought of "I can't draw very good and it won't be very good and it certainly won't LOOK like I want it to look."
Thanks to Drawing 1 WITH the very talented, Professor Wayne Hulgin at San Diego City College [ greatest serendipitous story.. EVER..] I sketched.. What I wanted and How I wanted it to be!!! With confidence in my talent and ability.. 
.. pause for a moment for the realization..."
Final sketch. There were several others that I liked in my sketches, but this one.. I liked best of all.
THEN onto Illustrator..  
and this is what came out of it.. 

I do like the "bandage heart" made up of rounded rectangles, circles, and a triangle. I am thinking that with a little tweaking and manipulating.. It would make a good Needlepoint design.  An ornament, a coaster, even a round purse. Basketweave or a selection of stitches in each section with a dark brown 898 DMC outline or just collaged next to each other.  

Monday's class was a Wall Critique.  We printed out our project, and put it up for the class to critique. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, lots of tips, ideas, techniques, advice, and one Pearl of Wisdom, Sean said to me.. "Don't do it all. Edit. You are trying to get EVERYTHING in there, great idea, just scale back."

Last day of class. Project needs to be refined and FINAL image posted to Blog before midnight Wednesday.  For people who need help.. Wednesday is the last day of class. 

Bittersweet ending. As I drove home I realized that my first semester as a Graphic Design Major is almost behind me.  
After this assignment.. I really am on my way.. 
almost full stream ahead as 
A Student of Design.... Lisa

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