Monday, December 7, 2015

Great Minds Project Milton Glaser

Great Minds Project..   Graphic Designer and Fine Artist   Milton Glaser

I posted this to my Design 100 Blog.. but to be honest peeps..  Just to excited to contain it ONLY to that blog..
I am so excited about this spread.  i have come a long way Baby since the first day and I am just over the Moon about it.

First two pages.  Cover and first page.

I am excited about the layout.  It actually came to me as I was driving and I jotted and sketched my idea in between lights.. and there were quite a few!!!  Since my Artists and Designers class and my Drawing 1 class where we HAD to keep a Sketchbook for a grade, I have kept one in my purse and a cute pen.  I am actually filling it up with ideas, sketches, storylines, etc.   
I like the STRATHMORE  SKETCH  book 5.5 X8.5   70 pages  Green Cover. 
 Second page  and third page    Iconic work and WHY I chose Milton Glaser for my Great Minds project
Fourth page and fifth page   Fine Art work and Quotes 
I can relate to MANY of these quotes, but my favorite by far, especially now is.. 

Sixth and final page  Bibliography
Here it is.. The man that spoke to me, through a film, in a stadium room, all by myself and started me along this wonderful, exasperating, fulfilling, and wild ride.  

He ROCKED my world and now, finally, I am.. 
a Student of Design..  Lisa

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