Thursday, August 27, 2015

First Week of School

August 24 - 27..
First week at San Diego City College.
Frustration level is HIGH.. Red level High.
My first [and second, and possibly, a third] post has been deleted, edited, deleted, and written.. Cross your fingers peeps.. this one may post and publish..

Before this week, I thought I was fairly tech-y.. I have an Iphone, an Ipad, I have mastered Quickbooks, I use Word in a basic functional way; I am a prolific poster on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest; I can even record and replay my movies and shows on the DVR..
Or so I thought.. cue the Jaws music...

Blackboard, Lore, padlet, uploading, downloading, templates, InDesign... ALL ON A MAC!!

Where is my click wheel and what about Right Click?!
The up and down keys and [ Thank God!!! ] Command, which is the Apple logo, C and V..

And so it starts..
Monday and Wednesday ArtG100 Basic Graphic Design
Tuesday and Thursday ArtG118 Design in History  and Art165B Composition in Painting II
with many, many hours of Computer Lab time in between..

Welcome to my Blog, I hope to share this with the world, to find my voice, to ignite my passion, and to pursue my Life's Passion as I embark on this wild ride and become..
A Student of Design.. 

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