Wednesday, February 3, 2016

ArtG 106 TYPOGRAPHY Monday and Wednesday

ArtG 106 Typography   Monday and Wednesday  2:30-5:30
Amy Becraft

We are up and running now. Using InDesign for most of our projects..
Lots to learn, but its is fun and exciting.
I like to explain it like this:
It is like solving a puzzle. Problem solving, yet, creative and new.
The first project E1_ Eddo  
We were given the task of creating a prototype for 
a new bitmap typeface. 
In class, we made a 3" 10 x10 unit square using InDesign.
Next.. squares with a dark fill. Amy explained that when printing, Printer Black sometimes prints more gray and recommended that we make our own CYMK color.. 
which I did and named it Rich Black.
I took my creating to graph paper and pencil and pen.
I doodled out several and enjoyed the process.  Then on to the computer with confidence this time. We made a Master and pages and pages of our Bitmap typeface.. A B C P and Q. After creating the the typeface I Grouped [Command G] Copy [Command C] opened the Tabloid handout and Pasted [File and paste] it and sized-to-fit into the Tabloid.  Amy had downloaded a Tabloid template for us to use after showing us a class demonstration,
One day the class printed out our tabloids, pinned them up, and we critiqued our work. 
It always amazes me when my work is critiqued by my peers. Often the critiques point out what I cannot see and gives me inspiration and ideas to change, tweak, and if necessary, to start again.
This is my second attempt. My first attempt had "heart" as the opening and it did not convey.. so this is my second attempt.
Still.. A Student of Design.. alphabet style  :)    lisa


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