Wednesday, August 24, 2016

TyPoGrAPhY    &  a chat

Yes! I am back. It has been a long haul from the last post. 
I didn't know if I would even be back, but, I dug deep, turned away from a few people, stood up...
here I am.
Mondays and Wednesdays  2:20 to 5:30 
Typography ArtG 106   Amy Becraft, professor

San Diego City College

It is my ONLY class this semester. 
No Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Illustration

Just Typography, all day, all week, all consuming.

Because, I have a JOB. 
I am 1/2 owner of a CESSNA Service Station 
{with my for-now husband... long story, different blog} 
and I am the Office. 
I like to call myself an Office of One because I am an Office of One. ME.

To be brutally honest... I am a passionate scatterbrain. 
I find a project that I love and I want to jump in and consume myself in my Passion. BUT..

I take on too many projects and I get side tracked and start to lose focus.
After a few weeks, I realize that I am not a multi tasker, my work piles up, my productivity goes down, because I am spread too thin to focus on one project to the best of my ability and I start to get ... let's say... 
not working up to my FULL potential.

Last semester, is a perfect example. I spread myself thin, 
three classes and each one was a new subject, except Honors Drawing 2, but what was new is that we were building a portfolio with "finished" drawings and that was a new experience for me. 

I was doing okay for the first few weeks and then too-much- to-handle happened within a few days: conflict with an angry acquaintance who used his frustration and honesty as a weapon; a mentor who took the gloves off this semester; late nights and early mornings; all combined with a slowly dissolving marriage; and it all side lined me and I dropped down to only one class. 

Digital Media  ArtG125    My first grade of a B.

I re-grouped.  I am a Leo, and we Leos land on our feet. 
When I hit the ground, I cried. I pouted. I even yelled, a bit.
I stood up.
Took the Summer semester off;  
I cleaned, organized, worked, immersed myself in Art, Color, Design, and needlepoint. 
I was even fortunate enough to attend an Art Walk tour of London and Stratford-upon-Avon for two glorious weeks
I came back inspired and ready to move forward... slowly...

During my travels, I learned a lot about love, people, passion, art, books, letters, architecture, food, and ME. 

What I love; Who I love; and Why I am who I am. 

This is me folks... no apologies; 

I am back and ready to move forward as 

A Student of Design once again,
Lisa xoxo