Friday, January 22, 2016


Sketch books 

Today is all about Sketch books.
I have learned from my classes, online and in person, that a sketch book is a very important tool for an Artist, Designer, etc. 
As Milton Glaser says, "Drawing is the way I think" and if you are serious about Art and Design, a sketchbook is the #1 tool for you.

Long time ago, I didn't quite believe it. Sure, I had many, many sketchbooks that I had doodled in, collected snippets, wrote quotes and notes, and just contained the ephemera of my life. Many of them were half-filled, but all of them were artistic, they had pretty covers and were fun to just look at and carry around. Nothing too serious.

In my Artist and Designers class, Fall 2014, we were graded on our Sketchbook. The teachers gave us a criteria of what they expected and it was worth a good portion of our grade. 
I panicked. 
I don't "use" my journal/sketchbook on a regular basis.. what am I going to do now? 
To make it fun and authentic, I purchased a Strathmore Drawing sketchbook and a fun Sepia pen to write notes. I had big plans for the cover, but nothing worked out except the cork backing on the book. I liked the cork, it made it sturdy and didn't slip around when I was writing. 
I really got into keeping this Journal/Sketchbook! I wrote the notes from the class, snippets of conversations I overheard, quotes from the Artists and Designers portrayed, I researched them and wrote my interpretation of their work, blog lists, websites, and doodles.
One memorable conversation that I wrote about was a question asked by the student who sat behind me.. 
"If you could have a Super Power.. What would it be? And Why?" The whole class started answering and their energy and thought process provoked and inspired me and I wrote pages about that subject alone.  
Mine? My Super Power would be INVINCIBILITY. 
Why? Because if you could do, go, and be anything and anybody without the fear of Death or injury.. what wouldn't you do, where wouldn't you go, and who wouldn't you be!! 
Another quote I wrote several times and even expanded it with images and quotes in different languages was: Children of the World. Wayne Hulgin, the co-teacher who taught the "Artist" section of the Artists and Designers, would announce that greeting often as he breezed in before class. That was his greeting and it intrigued me, so I researched and noted it all in my sketchbook with questions answering the What, Why, Who, and How.   

I received full credit for my sketchbook, and when he returned them he said we all had done well.. I was hoping for more of an individual critique and maybe a sketch, doodle, or quote added inside.. but all and all it was a good exercise and now I have several and I actually USE them!!! 

Now, I am in Sketchbook Skool and a Sketchbook is needed. 
So, I chose a Mixed Media
 It has Coloring Pages.. that seems to be "the Rage"  
Coloring pages for adults. 
I also liked the Thanks, Merci, and Gracias  *heart*

 I am also enrolled in Drawing 2!! I have waited patiently for 3 or 4 semesters for it to be offered and taught by Professor Wayne Hulgin, Art Teacher Extraordinaire and his very own self.. 
He is the Art Teacher I asked and prayed for to teach me the Basics of Drawing on the steps of VilleFranche. 
More on him later.. It is quite the Serendipitous Story [if I do say so myself ]  
I will probably, most definitely need a Sketchbook because he requested one for Drawing 1 so I will probably use this one.. 

This is small 5.5x8.5 and I may consider a 9x12, but i think that I will stay with the Mixed Media. We will be using NuPastels, so 
I may consider a paper with more "tooth."  I am sure he will let us know.. 

I will also be enrolled in two Graphic Design classes. 
Typography and Digital Media. I will need a book to write notes

This is my "go to" Sketchbook for Class notes. They are the perfect size 5.5x8.5 and ink, roller ball or Micron pens just glide over the pages. 
I like Strathmore paper, it is a bit expensive, but Michaels offers coupons. 40% off an item, or sometimes, your whole purchase!
I prefer the recycled paper because it is not WHITE WHITE. It is not quite ecru, or Mother of Pearl, but is pleasing to my eye.

I am afraid you cannot tell exactly the color nor texture of the 
[l to r] Books.. Canson XL Mix Media 7x10  98lb  slightly toothy, thick, very white, [2nd choice] wet or dry medium  
Strathmore Mixed Media 300 series vellum surface  medium weight 90 lb  5.5x8.5  slick smooth surface  eggshell white 
wet and dry medium 
Strathmore Sketch  fine tooth surface  60 lb dry medium 5.5x8.5

That is my Sketchbooks and note taking books.. 
Starting soon.. I will be a 
Student of Design    Lisa