Monday, November 30, 2015

Change of Plans

I changed my Blog.. Actually, I just added a new one. The original plan for this blog was for a grade.
For the Graphic Design Basic 100 class. Submit your work, get a grade.  So, I did. Everything was going well, oh so I thought, until the Instructor showed a few past student's blogs.. Oh oh.
My blog is informative, funny, and a Web Log of my experiences as A Student of Design.. Oh, and my homework.
No.. It is intended to be a Portfolio of work.
Missed that memo I did!  Oh well.. No harm, no foul.

Started a new blog..

Now. I have two blogs.  This one will show my journey into the wide beautiful world of Graphic design.  It will be informative , funny, and encouraging.. Because everybody is A Student of Design both formally or informally. It will show my homework, my classes, my trials and tribulations while I learn and master the InDesign, Illustrator, and yes, Photoshop software, and my own personal journey into a new layer of my life..

The new blog will be strictly Portfolio quality homework.

A little dry, straight forward, and to the point perhaps.. A post will be just showing the work.. No explanation, no back story, no angst and agida, sweat of my brow... Well you understand..
Just images of my completed work and a few sketches..

THIS blog.. Oh ho!! This blog will have ALL that, and more.. The chains are off, the door is open, the sun is shining... Yada. Yada, and blah blah...    Let's go!!

I like to say " lock and load Ladies" and " let the games begin,".   But you will get the pictures..

I hope you will stop by soon to check out my homework/portfolio blog..

Until we meet again.. here, or there,  I still am.. and will always be..

A Student of Design....   Lisa