Wednesday, September 16, 2015


In ArtG100 Basic Design we are working with Visual Principles  Point  Line  Plane.
We sketched thumbnails, and explored what a dot, a line, or a square can do. It was interesting work and I was confident in my sketching.
That was great! Before my art classes at SDCC whenever I needed to draw I would panic.. now .. confidence is mine!
As a class and as individuals we have been working on Illustrator  Ai
Brand new territory for me!!  I have watched, asked questions, and watched, watched, watched.
The first Visual Principles: Plane  was completed with lots of help..
On Monday, we talked about emotions in Visual Principles as groups.
I was group 3 and our emotions were PITY  POSSESSIVE  OPTIMISTIC [my group of 4 ]

Today... We worked as individuals..

I chose..


I sketched it first.. asked questions.. sketched.. and jumped into the program

I think that I did well..
Wicked.. pointed triangles.. looks like bared teeth!
Calm.. squares that I copy and pasted and duplicated and moved around .. the teacher, Sean Bacon, tweaked the top row a bit.. and voila.. calm, restful, movement.
Rejected.. I came up with several.. [ should I be worried.. ]  the large square had to be large and the square that is being "rejected" had to be in the center.. the heart..

This is my project peeps..
More to come.. just running behind and running  running running..

We are into the third week.. and I am still
A Student of Design